The Zoo: a symbol of human atrocity

The Zoo: the place for anyone who loves nature, animals, beauty, art, poetry, creation and diversity. It is where we can listen in to the song of the universe, the harmony of birds chirping, lions roaring, bears growling, monkeys laughing, and that sound of elephants spraying water with their trunks.

But rather than feeling inspired, my trip to the zoo last week left me sad, angry and frustrated. The zoo is nothing us humans should be proud of, it is a display of the very worst traits in our character.  Continue reading “The Zoo: a symbol of human atrocity”

The relevance of the Sabbath

For someone who has never observed the Sabbath, the ‘rest’ of the Seventh can seem overwhelmingly restricting. Besides for all agricultural labor that is outright prohibited, there are also restrictions that affect many other aspects in day-to-day life. For instance, one is not permitted to cook, write, dye, ignite a fire, carry any objects outside of their home, travel, prepare anything for Sunday, and tens more. Continue reading “The relevance of the Sabbath”

One Lovely Blog Award

Hi there,

I was honored by our dear friend Didis with the nomination for the “One Lovely Blog Award”. I would highly recommend you pay this site a visit, it is filled with good poetry, inspirational quotes and wonderful teachings from the Sikh tradition and their great masters. I must say I’m fascinated by Sikhism and Didis is a great messenger for his faith.  Continue reading “One Lovely Blog Award”

Losing My “Whiteness?”

Important post about race in America and the challenges of conversion. The emotional and spiritual strength converts go through should be a lesson for all of us…

The Safek

Race is a complicated, emotional issue, particularly right now in the US.  For me, though, my focus lately is much more on something much closer to me than the headlines, but I didn’t realize it until I was discussing recent headlines with a friend who happens to be a person of color.

She said something that suddenly touched a nerve in me.  I was suddenly defensive, angry even.  It’s really irrelevant what she said because, as we talked further, I realized that how I was feeling had very little to do with what she had said and everything to do with me.

I felt the need to defend “whiteness” and that need came from…feeling as if my own “whiteness” was now in question.

I grew up in a very rural community with just 0.5% minorities in our school.  Her name was Lily and she was half Vietnamese and looking back…

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